Sharing my learning, insight and experience on all things mental health and wellbeing…
The Unwritten Chapters: How Family Stories Shape Our Present
Sometimes, the heaviness we carry isn't our own story at all, but rather an inherited chapter we never chose to read.
Understanding Children's Behavioural Challenges: A Family Systems Perspective
Children's behavioural challenges are often viewed through a narrow perspective of individual problems. But what if these behaviors are actually profound messages about family dynamics?
Pain in life is unavoidable, however the pain we create avoiding pain, is avoidable.
Pain in life is unavoidable, however, the pain we create trying to avoid pain is avoidable.
Unravelling the Subjugated Stories caused by Family Trauma
When stress, anxiety, or frustration arises, individuals may find themselves responding in ways they don't fully understand. These coping strategies might not be direct responses to personal experiences but instead inherited from the coping mechanisms of their ancestors.